Boho style lighting - get to know the Madam Stoltz brand
Izabela Seliga -
Date added
The boho style is still very popular, both in fashion and interior design. Nothing unusual! It draws inspiration from various cultures and the richness of nature, which gives it a lot of freedom and creates enormous arrangement possibilities. When asked about the quintessence of boho living, we answer: Madam Stolz! Read more about the Danish brand that recently arrived in our store and now also on the blog!
The history of the Madam Stoltz brand
It all started with a trip to India. The founder of the brand - Pernille Stoltz - went there 30 years ago in search of adventure. She immediately fell in love with India, and the locals quickly started calling her Madam. Since then, she wanted to visit this country as often as possible, so she opened a small shop with her own designs. When looking for a name, she decided to combine her surname with a nickname given to her by her Indian friends. From there it was just downhill. The Pernille brand has grown rapidly. Last year it celebrated its quarter-century. Nowadays, Madam Stoltz is famous all over the world. Interestingly, the company's headquarters is still located in the founder's hometown: on the Danish island of Bornholm.
Do Madam Stoltz's designs stand out?
Madam Stoltz specializes in boho-style decorations and interior furnishings. The brand's collections draw from nature, tradition and craftsmanship from India, Morocco, China and Vietnam. Over the years, Pernille Stoltz has established cooperation with local, qualified suppliers from the mentioned countries. Importantly, they had to meet certain criteria, including providing employees with good working conditions.
Od tekstyliów przez meble po oświetlenie… Wszystkie produkty Madam Stoltz są wykonywane ręcznie z dużą starannością. Założycielka brandu wraz z mężem osobiście angażują się w każdy projekt. Marka nie tylko czerpie z Indii, lecz także okazuje wdzięczność tamtejszym mieszkańcom. Od 2010 wspiera Towarzystwo Edukacyjno-Kulturalne Nai Disha w New Delhi, które pod swoimi skrzydłami ma ponad 450 dzieci i ich rodzin. Potrzebującym ze slumsów oferuje bezpłatną podstawową edukację i naukę umiejętności, takich jak gotowanie, ogrodnictwo, taniec czy kursy elektryczne. Zwraca również uwagę na prawidłowe mycie rąk i uczy, jak zapobiegać chorobom.
What are the characteristics of Madam Stoltz lighting?
The inspiration from the colorful culture of India and the raw, contrasting elements of the Bornholm landscape is included in all Madam Stoltz designs. These two worlds come together in the potential of materials, clean lines and craftsmanship. The brand uses raw materials such as glass, jute and wood. The love for nature is also visible in the colors used by the brand: the palette is both calming and energizing.
What lamps can you find in Madam Stoltz's offer? Both hanging lamps, wall lamps and table lamps. Including luminaries with shades made of seagrass, rattan, bamboo, linen, braided paper or cotton rope… And much more! If you like fringes, braids and imperfections that come from nature, you will certainly like the lighting from the Danish brand.